The highest i have been was lvl 28 at that point and i ALMOST had enough damage to get past it, but in the end i was still overwhelmed by enemies because i couldn’t kill them fast enough. Not sure if you peeps have been doing forest lately, i bought the game yesterday and have unlocked most stuff by now, and im currently trying to get past this same point, it’s not knockbacks and freezes that will help getting past this stage, it’s damage, you NEED more damage, i still have not managed to get past it and i have done runs with bible and garlic, and it does not work when you don’t kill anything, how the f are you going to “path through” with knockbacks when everything is swarming you due to NOT killing anything?
Vampire Survivors – How to Kill Red Death (The Intended Way).Vampire Survivors – XV – Disco of Gold Achievement Guide.

This is not the game for discoverable secrets. In short, go read about those secret characters. But the methods to get these characters are a result of completely arbitrary choices by the devs, not some logical pathway you can follow.