If someone walks through the room while your device is spatially mapping the space, they will be excluded from the spatial maps. Spatial maps only reflect information from the parts of your environment that are stationary. If you choose to store your World Features in a Personal World or contribute them to Shared World, only the resulting World Features spatial map will be sent to Magic Leap’s cloud. The processing to extract World Features from peripheral camera images is done locally on your Magic Leap device. The final set of World Features is a spatial map at its most basic level. These new features are then compared to previously stored features and merged to create one set of features that represent your surroundings. How World Features WorkĬomputer vision algorithms use images collected from the peripheral cameras on your Magic Leap device to extract features from those images. World Feature points can be used as references to place and persist content (so you can come back to that content later, at the same place). World Features are 3D representations (also called “point clouds”) of the world around you, and serve as the basic building blocks of a spatial map. Additional information about World Understanding can be found in the “More about World Understanding” section below. Applications can then access object data in your spatial maps (with your permission), and use it in a variety of ways, including to make your digital content fit even more seamlessly into the world around you. World Understanding allows Magic Leap devices to recognize some types or classes of objects in your environment, such as the ability to identify chairs and posters, and include data about those objects in your spatial maps. Additional information about World Models can be found in the “More about World Models” section below. The result is spatial maps that provide much more accurate representations of the world around you, enabling digital content to respond to the environment in a more natural way. World Models add more detail to your spatial maps, including dense mesh data and planes. Additional information about World Features can be found in the “More about World Features” section below. Spatial maps can include the following three different levels of detail, based on the choices you make: World Features The end result is a mapped environment that enables apps to render digital media in your field of view as if it were really in front of you. Device sensors continuously scan your environment, process that information, and use it to create three dimensional representations of your area (which we refer to as spatial maps).

#Leap options full
F - 2 spouses and children are permitted to enroll in "less than a full course of study," even if the course of study done part - time leads to or counts towards a degree.F - 2 spouses may not engage in a full course of study.SEVIS parameters of allowable F - 2 study in LEAP : Excessive absences or poor classroom performance may result in dismissal from the p rogram. į - 2 students enrolled in the LEAP program are subject to the same policies as full - time LEAP students. F - 2 students intending to change to a full - time course load will be re - tested for level placement and must apply for a change of status to F1 visa.į - 2 students enrolled in the LEAP program are entitled to all of the resources and services available to LEAP students provided by Wright State.

F -2 students who place into level 4 may take one level 4 class (A dvanced Academic Success, Advanced Reading and Writing, or Test Prep aration) per semester.F - 2 students are no t eligible for the Level 4 TOEFL w aiver.F - 2 students must pass all courses at a level to be eligible for promotion to the next level.F - 2 Students have four options for course selection in any given semester:į - 2 s tudents enrolled in part - time study in the LEAP program are subject to the following policies and procedures: