This was especially apparent at launch when cloaking rendered Mirage as a faint white silhouette rather than making him completely invisible. Mirage's abilities are derived from Titanfall 2's Holo Pilot and Cloak abilities.Mirage's heirloom is a small trophy of him standing tall and proud! sometimes relying on a pork chop as a rare animation for his heirloom When he reappears, 5 decoys appear with him, confusing enemies and letting Mirage use it as an escape tool. Becomes cloaked when reviving teammates or using respawn beacons. Mirage automatically drop a decoy and cloak for five seconds when knocked down. He can control the decoy by pressing a button. Mirage can send out a holographic decoy to confuse the enemy. Mirage is now the life of the Apex Games, outwitting opponents and charming audiences across the Outlands. As good as both of those sounded, he knew he couldn’t risk leaving his mother childless – until she gave him a set of customized holo devices and told him to follow his dream. While working as a bartender to make ends meet, Mirage heard amazing stories from his patrons about the Apex Games and the wealth and glory that came with victory. Even when his brothers went MIA during the Frontier War, Mirage and his mother continued to develop holo devices, and the work brought them closer. He pored over the mechanisms and learned all he could about them.

The one thing he took seriously was Holo-Pilot technology: introduced to the illusion-creating tech by his engineer mother. The youngest of four brothers, he perfected the art of fooling around to get attention. Mirage is the kind of guy who likes to stand out. 2.3 Ultimate Ability: Life of the Party.